Reflecting on a Year of Impact: SustainaFest 2024 Highlights
Reflecting on a Year of Impact: SustainaFest 2024 Highlights

BTC41 Has Been Around The World
Celebrating the success of our first film, Back to Camp 41, as it captivates and inspires audiences across the globe.

What Is The Amazon “Tipping Point,” Exactly?
Take a closer look at the current state of our “lungs of the planet.”

World Premiere of Back to Camp 41
A packed house helped us celebrate a special world premiere at the DC Environmental Film Festival on March 30, 2024.

University of Arizona Launches Lovejoy Center
Preserving the legacy of one of the world’s greatest conservation biologists.
Sharing Dr. Lovejoy’s Return to the Amazon
Honoring a scientific giant who spread the word about the importance of protecting the planet.